Men’s and Women’s Dress Socks
When shopping for dress socks we are faced with a bewildering selection of fibers, sizes, designs. What to do? First, decide what you need in men’s and women’s dress socks. Are you a showy fashion plate, a titan of industry who takes every opportunity to tug a pant leg up as you cross your legs, and proudly display a colorful and outrageously expensive men’s and women’s dress sock?
Or are you the sort of busy businessman who just wants dry and comfortable feet, and believes all dress socks should be concealed beneath trousers. No frills, no thrills. You save your money and your sense of sensibility for the workplace, and after five o’clock you exchange you Clark Kent suit for a Superman’s cape.
Good business grooming dictates nothing but the head and hands show. Collars and cuffs cover the neck and wrist, and dress socks hide the ankles and calves from inappropriate display. If a men’s and women’s dress sock should happen to show itself, it should be black, and nothing but. Save the fancy patterns for the necktie, which only exists to make a fashion statement. Which brings us to the discussion of fibers. The very best neckwear is fashioned from silk. Since we don’t walk around all day on our neckties, the hands-down choice for men’s and women’s dress socks is polyester.
Once considered inferior to natural fibers like cotton, silk, and wool, today’s modern polyester is light weight and strong, moisture-wicking and durable yet soft and silky. Comfortable against the skin, polyester is the best fiber for men’s and women’s dress socks.
Thrifty, cost-conscious shoppers know that buying their men’s and women’s dress socks at AnkleSocks.co means there will be plenty of money left for that Countess Mara vintage necktie.

“After I told the bullpen about my dress socks, everyone here at the call center clicked on to AnkleSocks.co.”
R.S. Omaha, NE
“I saved a bundle on my dress socks from AnkleSocks.co.”
B.B. New York, NY
“I was pleasantly surprised at such high quality and such a low price.”
C.N., Bismark, ND