Socks Donation to Homeless
Our Mission Statement, Moving Ahead by Giving Back, focuses on America’s homeless.
We believe that a company cannot truly thrive without participating in the community, both on a local and national level. Socks donation to homeless is how we choose to make a difference in our community.
Socks Donation to Homeless
For every order placed at AnkleSocks.co we make a donation of socks to those in need. Rather than supporting other charitable organizations, we chose to target the specific needs of homeless individuals in our community in need of a few fresh pairs of socks.
Corporate Social Responsibility
As companies continue to initiate a corporate desire to reach out in a transactional relationship, they recognize the benefits of participating in gifts in kind programs. Gifts in kind, also referred to as in-kind donations, is a new form of charitable giving. Instead of sending money to community outreach non-profits, so they can buy needed clothing, the goods and services themselves are given. Items like fresh, clean socks for some of the homeless individuals living in temporary housing.
Homeless Shelters In America
In The Business Case for Product Philanthropy, a report published by the Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs, the authors argue that businesses can do well by doing good through product philanthropy, as well as explore the advantages of donating goods over the liquidation and/or destruction of clothing. In addition, with cash gifts on the decrease over the past several years, offering contributions of goods and services is a way for organizations to continue pursuing their philanthropic goals. With our socks donation to homeless program we are able to leverage the cash value of our contribution, while providing a pair of socks directly to an organization housing the homeless.
United States Homeless Shelters
Many of the shelters in our program tell us that our contributing pairs of socks are the item most appreciated by their recipients. Our pairs of socks save the organization both time and money, allowing them to direct scarce financial resources to other needs. Again, to reiterate, our socks donation to homeless program sends a few pairs of our socks to someone in need every time an order is placed on our website.
How One Pair of Socks Can Save A Life
Homelessness in big cities like Los Angeles, Washington D.C, and New York City leads to crime and drugs. Caring people in organizations like Coalition for the Homeless and Catholic Charities use social media bring awareness of homeless people by organizing neighbors in sock drive. They ask you to go home and empty your sock drawer to save a life.
People Helping to End Homelessness
No one person can do everything to prevent homelessness. By bringing awareness via social media to friends and neighbors in the community every person has a chance to become partners with some of the other people in the area with the goal of helping low income people.